Vedic Astrology Services

Receive precise Vedic Jyotish Consultation rooted in the timeless teachings of the ancient Rishis, offering a thoroughly scientific approach crafted millennia ago for insightful guidance.

Horoscope Consultation

Experience a meticulous horoscope reading, enhanced by precise birth time rectification following the principles of traditional Vedic Science. Unveil the celestial insights that shape your destiny through this authentic and personalized exploration of your astrological chart.

Horoscope Match Making

Unlock a comprehensive match-making report rooted in the traditional teachings of the Rishis. Beyond the conventional Gunas matching, delve into a detailed analysis that provides a holistic view of the relationship, offering insights into both the strengths and challenges that lie ahead. Illuminate the future with a profound understanding of the dynamics, ensuring a well-rounded perspective on the journey that awaits in your partnership.

Naming as per Vedic System

The correlation between Shri Ram’s name and the Cancer sign, as well as the decision to name him based on the Libra sign for optimal planetary influence, reflects the intricate astrological beliefs rooted in ancient traditions.

Similarly, adhering to the KaTaPaYaDi system, as taught by the sages, for naming your children aligns with the notion that specific sounds and vibrations associated with letters can influence the cosmic energies and destiny of individuals.

Choosing names in accordance with such traditional systems is a personal belief and reflects the rich tapestry of cultural and spiritual practices. It’s a way to seek positive cosmic influences for the well-being and prosperity of the named individuals, drawing inspiration from ancient wisdom passed down through generations.

Perfect remedy. Good results

— Sarita Devi

Gem of a person and a great Astrologer / Vastu Expert . One should seek to him to get the solutions based on Astrology and Vastu.

— Abhishek Sinha

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